Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Africa is really big, Vatican City is really small

The designer Kai Krause recently produced this infographic showing the size of Africa in relation to various other countries and regions of the world. Click on it for a higher resolution image.

 Here is a more detailed view of the map section.

Comparing countries to continents is a little like apples to crabapples (unless that country is Australia), but it is a very effective graphic and should help fight "rampant Immapacy", in the author's words.

Xefer made this graphic of the world's smallest country, Vatican City, inspired by Krause's work.

The Africa image lists the top 100 countries by size, while the Vatican one lists the bottom 100. Here is a closeup showing the size comparisons between the Vatican and the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Great Pyramid of Giza, the Ile de la Cite in Paris, Alcatraz, Rockall in the Atlantic Ocean and Boston's Fenway Park. 

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